Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: What is the process and how does it work?

First we develop a strategy, then write the content and get images to go with the content. Next we send these to you for your edits and approval. Once approved, we then we begin posting all the content as set forth by your social marketing plan that we created. Then each month we look at the performance and make adjustments along the way if needed to optimize your campaign.

Next month we will try and have your content ready for review before the last week of the month so you have plenty of time to approve, make edits, or add your own content into the monthly plan.

Q: How long does it take to get started?

After you sign up, we get started on your account right away. Because we write your content a month in advance, we usually don’t start publishing until the following month after the content is approved and we have gotten all your social media accounts set up in the system. That being said, it usually takes us about 2 weeks to research, develop, and write your monthly content.

Q: Who writes the content and what is their level of education?

All of our writers are native English speaking. All have college educations with bachelor’s or master’s degrees. Some are current school teachers, others stay at home moms who have left their careers and are looking to stay busy with some extra work. 

Some of our writers have specialties in legal, medical, construction, social services, education, financial, and other specialty areas making them highly qualified to write this content.

Q: Can I see the content before you publish it?

Yes, of course. However after you have worked with us for a while and you are confident in our work, you can elect to “auto approve” all content so you don’t have to bother with it each month. Then we can send you monthly reports so you can quickly take a look at how things are progressing.

Approving content is fast and easy. We have a customer dashboard you can log into and see all the proposed content. You can quickly scan through it, make any edits you like, and even reject content if you do not want it published. Once we have everything ready to go, we will then publish it on schedule and according to your strategy.

Q: Which social media accounts do you publish to?

Depending on which package you have selected, we can publish up to 9 different social media accounts each month. These include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google My business (Previously Google+), Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, WordPress (either your own website or, and Blogger. Each have their own demographic, strengths, and weaknesses. So we schedule out your content based on what each of them do best.

Q: What if i have duplicate social media accounts?

Sometimes there are issues with your accounts (such as multiple Facebook or Google My business accounts). We make sure we are publishing to the correct ones so we can get maximum visibility and make sure you are getting the authority to the correct pages.

For a small extra fee, we can contact the networks on your behalf and get these taken care of for you. Having multiple accounts can cause pretty big problems in the future if not addressed.

Q: What Business categories have you written content for?

We can research and write for virtually any ethical niche, but here is a common list of business categories we have written content for:

Q: What if I still have questions?

During your strategy session our Business Growth Coach will aim to cover any questions you may ask. Or if you'd prefer to call us hit the telephone icon at the bottom of the page and we'll get back to you in as little as a few minutes. ALternatively please fill out the contact form in the contact us section and we'll reply asap, but usually within one buiness day.

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I'm Tony Lynch and I founded SociPosts with the sole objective of helping small businesses remove the daily time-consuming burden of social media creation and posting  

Copyright ©SociPosts a RapidWebResults Company

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